International Women's Day ♀️ -50% off flowers and Nerobi and Chanvreo oils
Packed with cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinoids naturally found in the hemp plant, particularly the Cannabis L. Sativa variety, "Essence of Joy" is a balanced CBD oil that concentrates all the benefits of legal hemp, without psychotropic effects and without risk of addiction.
It is a true elixir of well-being that you hold in your hands. Perfect alliance of lemon 🍋, wild ginger and the good cannabinoids of the hemp plant, "Essence of Joy" is the daily "health and well-being" gesture to soothe your stress, relieve your mild to moderate pain andimprove the quality of your sleep 💤.
In France, CBD has largely found its audience. According to figures from the Interprofession of Hemp Trades, the molecule has already attracted nearly 7 million regular or occasional consumers in France, and for good reason. Its action on the endocannabinoid system results in several benefits 💪:
CBD, CBG, CBN and CBC provide soothing and relaxing properties, relieving stress and anxiety naturally🙌;
This soothing action promotes healthy and restful sleep, with in particular an acceleration of the sleep phase 💤;
Cannabinoids are excellent painkillers, relieving mild to moderate pain, whether acute or chronic;
Cannabinoids finally exert an anti-inflammatory action, especially on the muscles and joints 💪.
To promote rapid action, a few minutes after consumption, we advise you to opt for the sublingual route, by placing a few drops of product under the tongue 🌿. Wait a minute for the active ingredients in the oil to be absorbed, then swallow the rest of the product. Each drop gives you 10 mg of CBD. Do not exceed 7 drops per day (or 70 mg of CBD per day).
This CBD oil can also be consumed orally, for example by seasoning your daily dishes with a few drops of liquid. The effects will however be delayed for several hours, and probably diluted after the gastric and hepatic passages.