CBD contre le stress

Treating anxiety attacks with CBD oil

Anxiety is a part of everyday life for many of us. It is a scourge that affects almost all women and a large proportion of men between 25 and 45 years

To remedy these symptoms that can lead to a more chronic anxiety, it is necessary to develop methods and to be accompanied by natural products that relieve and mitigate the effects of these crises

CBD is proving to be of great help to those suffering from anxiety attacks. Indeed, the antidepressant effects at the psychological level of CBD promote the treatment of anxiety attacks.

In this article, let's see how CBD can help treat anxiety attacks in detail thanks to the scientific studies done on the subject.

What are anxiety attacks?

Unlike anxiety, which reflects a more chronic problem, anxieties come in fits and starts and are temporary. However, occasional anxiety attacks can be an important part of a deeper anxiety disorder and should be taken seriously. Indeed, chronic anxiety may be the result of a medical condition that requires treatment.

Anxiety attacks manifest as intense and excessive fear of everyday situations. The reactions are considered disproportionate to the events experienced and result in a variety of symptoms. These attacks involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that peak within minutes.

Symptoms of anxiety attacks

These feelings of anxiety and panic interfere with daily activities. They are difficult to control, out of proportion to the actual danger, and may last for some time. Symptoms may begin in childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood.

Anxiety attacks, also known as panic attacks, can be recognized by their symptoms. Here is a non-exhaustive list of symptoms of anxiety attacks:

  • Sensation of impending death

  • Excessive sweating

  • Unexplained shivering

  • Dizziness, head spinning

  • Nausea, stomach ache

  • Palpitations, rapid heartbeat

  • Feeling of choking

  • Numbness, tingling

Let's take a look at what CBD is in detail to understand how it could work on anxiety.

What is cannabidiol (CBD)?

Cannabidiol or CBD, is a cannabinoid identified in the cannabis plant which is also called hemp. Cannabinoids act on the body's receptors and produce different effects depending on their nature. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, another cannabinoid, produces psychoactive effects. Unlike THC, CBD produces relaxing or healing therapeutic effects due to its many properties, but has no psychoactive effects.

The therapeutic virtues of CBD

Research is advancing in this field, and every year, new scientific studies are discovered that confirm the therapeutic virtues of CBD on many symptoms. CBD has proven to have anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antidepressant effects. In particular, it is known to have very encouraging effects on certain severe forms of epilepsy and on diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease or fibromyalgia.

Each strain of cannabis brings a different concentration of cannabinoids and therefore different benefits. See our article on the entourage effect to know more about it.

Is CBD legal in France?

Currently in France, CBD-derived products are considered to be forms of light cannabis. They are therefore legal and marketable on online stores such as 321 CBD. Indeed, containing less than 0.2% THC (legal limit of THC in cannabis products in France), it has no psychotic effect and offers a beneficial experience to its users.

Side effects of CBD

The side effects of CBD are rare and depend on the individual who suffers them. Some of the effects include nausea, dry mouth and headaches, which often subside within the first two uses.

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CBD and anxiety attacks: How does it work?

So how does CBD help with anxiety attacks? Research indicates that CBD works with the CB1 and CB2 receptors found in the central nervous system, it is possible that it can alter serotonin levels. As a reminder, serotonin is a chemical messenger in the brain that affects sleep, mood, depression, aggressive behavior etc.

In fact, according to the growing body of scientific research on the effects of CBD on anxiety, CBD interacts with the cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R), the serotonin receptor 5-HT1A and other receptors in the brain that regulate fear and anxiety-induced behaviors.

It is through this action on serotonin that CBD can alleviate and treat an individual's anxiety attacks.

What does the science say about CBD and anxiety?

Preclinical and clinical evidence that has established CBD as an effective treatment for many types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder.

Anxiety patients in a scientific study of 2020 groups also reported an improvement in their overall quality of life after 3 weeks of CBD treatment. Those who received CBD treatment for anxiety or depression reportedly experienced improvements in their ability to perform daily functions and reduce pain and symptoms of anxiety or depression.

Researchers inanother study from the same year also found evidence for the use of CBD as an effective monotherapy or adjunct therapy to treat generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

However, it is essential to note that there is still not enough research to show the long-term effects of CBD on mental health. No long-term risks have been identified so far.

CBD can therefore be considered an excellent natural therapeutic supplement to treatments and therapies for anxiety and seizures. The WHO (World Health Organization) has classified CBD as a non-harmful component that does not need to be regulated. This means that CBD consumption cannot be dangerous. Let's take a look at how to use this natural product in your daily life

Important: CBD is not a replacement for antidepressants or antipsychotics. If you are taking prescription medications, continue to take them and seek advice from your doctor before consuming CBD.

How to use CBD for anxiety?

Taking CBD oil regularly can help you restore endocannabinoid tone, which could help reduce anxiety. If this is your first time, we recommend starting with a low dose and gradually increasing. Keeping a journal to see if CBD is having an effect on your symptoms can also be very helpful

Regarding the product, for anxiety, it is recommended to turn to a CBD oil and consume it sublingually, or under the tongue, where it will be absorbed quickly and effectively. The quality of CBD is very important and influences its therapeutic quality on your migraines. The CBD oils offered on the shop french shop 321 CBD are all of premium quality.

If you are followed by a health professional for your anxieties and/or that you take a treatment, we strongly recommend you to speak to him about your intention to take CBD so that he can give you a tailor-made advice according to your situation

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