
Is CBD effective against fibromyalgia?

In our society, where new diseases are discovered every day, there are some diseases that have been known for decades and for which research has made very little progress. Among these diseases, we find fibromyalgia. A disease that affects millions of French people, but for which it is difficult to find effective treatments. One can then wonder if science is looking on the right side..

Long stigmatized as a degenerative product, cannabis is now appearing in different forms and offers alternative solutions to traditional medicine, in all legality. More and more patients suffering from chronic pain, not finding comfort in conventional treatments, are turning to cannabis products to relieve their symptoms.

But are cannabis products really effective in diseases like fibromyalgia? Can a few drops of Cannabidiol (CBD) be more therapeutic than drugstore medications? What are the positive and negative effects of CBD on fibromyalgia patients? And how is CBD used for fibromyalgia?

Recent studies have proven the effectiveness of CBD on fibromyalgia. CBD oil provides significant comfort to patients with its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties as well as its beneficial action on sleep and hypersensitivity.

In this article, we will describe how CBD brings comfort to the life of a person with fibromyalgia in detail. But first, let's go over our definitions.

What is Cannabidiol (CBD)?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is an active ingredient found in different varieties of the cannabis plant. It does not produce a psychoactive effect like Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, another molecule in cannabis. It relaxes and provides many therapeutic properties that are potentially beneficial for certain symptoms, including chronic pain. CBD does not alter the state of consciousness of its users and does not produce an addictive effect.

In France, CBD concentrated products are legally marketed in online CBD shops such as 321 CBD. These products are also called cannabis light or weed light.

What is fibromyalgia?

We hear a lot about this disease without really having a simple and clear explanation. Fibromyalgia, what is it, how do you get it, and most importantly... how do you get rid of it? Indeed, fibromyalgia is a mysterious condition that health professionals feel helpless to deal with. They have difficulty defining it, but especially in treating it

Even today, it is difficult to detect it and to understand its mechanisms, as it is the case for multiple sclerosis (read Multiple Sclerosis and CBD)

However, according to statistics, this condition would affect between 2% and 5% of the French population. It is estimated that 90% of those affected are under 60 years old, mainly women between 30 and 50 years old. In total, between 1.2 and 3 million French people are affected.

Recognized as"primary chronic widespread pain" by the WHO, fibromyalgia is defined as a condition that causes pain throughout the body, sleep problems, fatigue and often emotional and mental distress. Symptoms include diffuse pain with pressure sensitivity, cognitive impairment and numerous somatic complaints.

Fibromyalgia syndrome can also have major psychosocial consequences (restriction of activities, loss of autonomy, disabling motor disability, prolonged work stoppages, etc.).

Existing treatments for fibromyalgia

As previously mentioned, there is a medical gap in the types of treatments available for patients suffering from fibromyalgia. Although its management is subject to many controversies, studies recommend different types of treatments, non-medicated or medicated

Non-medicinal treatments

The European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) recommends first of all an initial treatment through physical exercise and meditative relaxation practices. Acupuncture and spa treatments are also at the top of the list of practices that can relieve fibromyalgia patients.

Medication treatments

Among the second recourse recommended for the treatment of fibromyalgia, we find psychotherapy accompanied by antidepressants which help sufferers to sleep better, be less tired and more appeased. Painkillers are also offered as an option to soothe body aches.

The effects of CBD on fibromyalgia

To date, treatments for fibromyalgia do not include any plant-based products. However, recent international research has proven the effectiveness of CBD in improving the condition of people with fibromyalgia.

The positive effects of CBD on fibromyalgia

The first studies conducted on animals date back to 2009. Researchers found an improvement in neuropathic and inflammatory pain sensations in animals subjected to CBD. CBD has proven to be effective as an analgesic (painkiller) on various pathologies. The therapy by this means is therefore considered very promising from that time.

Then in 2011, other studies, this time on women, reveal that once CBD is ingested, it produces a reduction in pain and stiffness within hours, as well as improved mental health.

Very recent Israeli and Danish studies (2019) use different strains of cannabis in their tests to determine their analgesic effect. Again, the results prove a reduction of pain when treated with cannabis.

The research is moving slowly on the subject but seems promising. Today, Australia approves the treatment of fibromyalgia and chronic pain through cannabis-based treatments.

In conclusion, CBD has positive effects on sleep time and quality, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, mood swings and irritability as well as testosterone and hypersensitivity.

Side effects of CBD on fibromyalgia

The side effects of CBD are rare and depend on the individual who experiences them. Some effects include nausea, dry mouth and headaches. If they appear, they often subside within the first two weeks.

How to use CBD for fibromyalgia?

Now that we know that CBD provides benefits to people with fibromyalgia, it's important to know which products to choose and how to use them.

Which CBD oil to choose for fibromyalgia?

First of all, full-spectrum CBD oil seems to be the most suitable oil for fibromyalgia pain because it allows you to benefit from all the non-psychoactive active ingredients of cannabis. It should not contain THC

What dosage of CBD for fibromyalgia?

CBD oil can be used sublingually, by ingesting a few drops under the tongue every 6 to 8 hours. It can also be administered directly on the skin, on the painful areas of the body.

Although research and studies on CBD have yet to be conducted, especially on humans, the effectiveness of CBD on fibromyalgia and chronic pain diseases is certain and deserves that patients look into the matter. Especially since the resources offered by health doctors are very limited to date. CBD is most certainly a ray of hope for fibromyalgia patients looking for effective treatments

Check out our CBD offerings on our 321 CBD online store.

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Pelin YILDIZ, autrice psycho et voyage
Publié par : Pelin, autrice psychologie, santé et voyage
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