Why take CBD before going to sleep?

According to doctors, we should sleep between 6 and 8 hours a night to stay healthy. However, a large part of the world's population does not reach this quota and suffers from sleep disorders. Between stress, work and the daily use of screens, it is even more and more common to feel difficulties and frustration when falling asleep. And yet, getting a good night's sleep is essential to recharge your batteries and live serenely.

What is sleep?

Today the functioning of sleep still remains mysterious and has not revealed all its secrets to science. If you are unable to sleep due to stress, discover our range of CBD against stress for you help calm your mind.

The sleep process is divided into several phases, each of which has distinct characteristics and functions:

  • Light sleep (stages 1 and 2): This phase constitutes the transition between wakefulness and deep sleep. In stage 1, sleep is very light and can be interrupted easily. Stage 2 is slightly deeper light sleep, where bodily functions slow down even further.
  • Deep sleep (stages 3 and 4): Also called deep slow-wave sleep, this is the most restorative phase. It is during this stage that the body regenerates, tissues repair, and the immune system is strengthened.
  • Paradoxical sleep: Also called REM (for “Rapid Eye Movement”), this phase is characterized by rapid eye movements and brain activity similar to that of wakefulness. This is the time when most dreams take place.

It is vital to go through all these phases to benefit from restful sleep. Disruption of any of these phases can lead to feeling tired, even after a long night's sleep.

How do you fall asleep?

Falling asleep is a complex process managed by several bodily mechanisms, including genetics. But we can say that there are 2 main phenomena:

  • On the one hand, the body continuously produces substances (such as adenosine) whose progressive accumulation in the body leads to a reduction in brain functioning. These substances are then eliminated during phases of sleep.

  • On the other hand, the body seeks to regulate our day/night rhythm (the circadian cycle), in particular by producing the famous melatonin. Often called the “sleep hormone”, it is secreted only in darkness.

To find out more about sleep or the process of falling asleep, the official website of Inserm (National Institute of health and medical research) offers a complete file on the subject.

CBD before sleepingWhat is insomnia?

It is estimated that 15 to 30% of the population suffers from insomnia , which can manifest in several ways:

  • difficulty getting to sleep.

  • nocturnal awakenings with inability to go back to sleep.

  • sensation of non-refreshing sleep (which may be linked to sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, sleepwalking, bruxism, etc.).

We distinguish between acute insomnia (not sleeping at all) and chronic insomnia (difficulty sleeping or unrefreshing sleep at least 3 nights per week).

The causes of insomnia

Many causes affect the quality of your nights. In addition to external conditions (bad bedding, noise, too high temperature), habits in the sleep routine can disrupt falling asleep. Thus, late intense physical activity, going to bed too late or a lot of screen time at bedtime can disrupt your nights.

On the other hand, what you drink (especially alcohol) or eat (meals that are too rich), and even the substances or medications you ingest (corticosteroids, nicotine, caffeine, etc.). ) can deteriorate your sleep.

Sleep deeply with natural solutions

To sleep well, it is essential to have good sleep hygiene:

  • Avoid alcohol and stimulating drinks (coffee, tea, etc.) after 4 p.m.

  • Eat light and balanced.

  • Maintain a suitable temperature in your room (ideally 19° maximum).

  • Go to bed early and always at the same time.

  • Avoid screens (TV, tablet, smartphone, etc.).

Fortunately, there is a less restrictive treatment than taking sleeping pills to combat insomnia. This involves using natural, non-harmful plants such as CBD (cannabidiol) during the day, or just before sleeping, and allowing the sedative effects of these act. Indeed, consuming CBD to sleep constitutes a very natural alternative effective in promoting good preparation for sleep and improving its quality.

So, if you suffer from insomnia and you really have trouble falling asleep at night, CBD may be the solution that will revolutionize your nights and allow you to do Sweet dreams. In addition, it is a natural molecule from the hemp plant which, unlike drug treatments, does not cause addiction or side effects.

The benefits of CBD for sleep

Numerous scientific studies have been carried out to determine the effects of cannabidiol on sleep. A very recent 2021 discovery attests that the state purer elements of cannabis like cannabidiol would have a very important therapeutic role. Let’s take a look at the various concrete benefits of CBD for sleep.

1. Sleep faster

Firstly, taking CBD has soothing propertieswhich help you fall asleep faster. A scientific study from 2019 attests that CBD allows reduces stress, relaxes muscles and relieves > physical pain, which simply allows you to feel better andget to sleep more easily.

2. Sleep longer

Secondly, consuming CBD before bed allows you to sleep better and longer. In other words, CBD regulates the phases of REM sleep. These phases allow you to benefit from more restorative sleep, fight against sleep apnea and promote dreams. Ultimately, CBD is a natural cannabinoid that providesdeeper, more relaxing sleepfrom the first dose. All this, without any side effects, whereas traditional medications tend to cause episodes of involuntary drowsiness, sleep that is not necessarily restorative and, above all, strong addiction.

3. Regulate circadian cycle disorders (and insomnia)

Circadian rhythm disorders, also known as sleep-wake cycle disorders, occur when the body's internal clock is out of sync with the environment. They may occur due to changes in sleeping habits,during travel,due to a medical condition, age or genetics. According to an article in the Forbes magazine, Dr. Whitelock claims that CBD may improve the quality and quantity of sleep by helping the body move through the normal stages of sleep and REM sleep. “The action of CBD on cannabinoid receptors triggers a cascade of events that results in a more natural sleep rhythm compared to the diurnal rhythm of night and day,” he explains. Further research is forthcoming.

4. Pain relief

CBD is recognized for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Managing pain, whether muscular, joint or other types, thanks to CBD, facilitates peaceful sleep. A pain-free night often means deep, restorative sleep.

5. Reduced stress and anxiety

In a world where stress and anxiety are common, CBD proves to be a valuable ally. It acts on the endocannabinoid system, providing a feeling of relaxation and reducing mental agitation. Thus, negative thoughts and tensions of the day are no longer obstacles to good sleep.

How CBD works on your brain

All living things have an endocannabinoid system (ECS), a system that naturally secretes molecules similar to those found in cannabis plants. So, CBD is a cannabinoid that interacts directly with your ECS, and primarily with theCB1 and CB2 receptors. By acting in this way, CBD plays a determining role in the circadian rhythm, also known as the sleep-wake system. In other words, CBD is as beneficial for the body during the day as it is at night. Unlike a sleeping pill, it does not just cause a sedative effect, but rather a regulating effect.

In addition, CBD promotes muscle relaxation, relieves physical pain and reduces mental tension, other factors that contribute to improving the quality of sleep. It also helps to reduce anxiety problems which are often the cause of insomnia. In addition to all these benefits, CBD does not cause side effects such as uncomfortable and painful waking up, which is unfortunately often the case with drug treatments. Ultimately, CBD allows you to sleep better because it:

  • interacts with the endocannabinoid system;
  • regulates the circadian cycle;
  • relaxes the body;
  • calms the mind;
  • reduces stress and anxiety.

CBD sleep effect

When to take CBD for sleep?

When it comes to optimizing the effects of CBD to improve sleep, choosing the right time to take it is essential. Generally, it is recommended to consume CBD about an hour before bedtime, to allow the effects to fully kick in by the time you go to bed. However, the timing may vary depending on the form of CBD you choose.

  • Sublingual CBD oil: This method involves placing a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue, where it is quickly absorbed by the blood vessels. The effects usually appear quickly, within 15 to 30 minutes of taking, making it an ideal option for those who need quick relief from insomnia.

  • Smoked or Vaporized CBD Flower: Inhaling CBD flower allows cannabinoids to quickly enter the bloodstream through the lungs. The effects are felt quickly, usually within 5 to 10 minutes after inhalation. This method is practical for those looking for rapid action of CBD to make it easier to fall asleep.

  • CBD Capsules: CBD capsules are swallowed and pass through the digestive system before being absorbed by the body. The effects may take longer to appear, ranging from 30 minutes to 1 hour or more, depending on your metabolism. This method is ideal for those who prefer a more gradual action of CBD for a peaceful and long-lasting night's sleep.

  • CBD herbal teas: CBD herbal teas are prepared by infusing hemp leaves in hot water. Like capsules, they must pass through the digestive system before the effects are felt. It may take up to 1-2 hours for the cannabinoids to fully work. CBD herbal teas are perfect for those looking for gentle, gradual relaxation to prepare the body for sleep.

  • CBD creams or balms: These topical products are applied directly to the skin and do not enter the bloodstream. CBD creams or balms may provide localized relief from muscle tension and pain, which may contribute to better sleep, but their effect on falling asleep itself is generally more limited.

Finally, when should you take CBD for sleep? The ideal time to take CBD to promote sleep depends on the form of CBD you are using and how quickly you want to feel the effects. By experimenting with different methods and schedules, you will be able to find the one that works best for you and will allow you to fully benefit from the benefits of CBD on your sleep.

What dosage of CBD for sleep?

The advantage of CBD is that there isno risk of overdose unlike drugs.

However, it is wise to adapt your CBD consumption toyour weight as well as your eating habits. consumption. The more you adapt your consumption to your needs, the more effective the elixir will be on your sleep.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the ideal amount of CBD for sleep. Studies indicate that for an adult who weighs between 60 and 90 kg,< /span> between 15 and 25 mg of CBD per day may be enough to improve sleep . If you are a novice, do not hesitate to reduce these quantities by 2.

Finally, higher doses,up to 300 mg, may be necessary to achieve sedative effects in healthy adults with recurrent sleep disorders. As an indication, one drop of 5% concentrated CBD contains 2.5 mg of CBD.

How to consume CBD to promote sleep?

Concerning the method of administration, it is above all a choice to make according to your personal preferences. CBD oil, CBD flower or resin of CBD, CBD capsules? Infusion or vaporizer?You are even spoiled for choice when it comes to flavors and percentage of CBD. Moreover, the effectiveness of CBD will not be altered by its mode of consumption or its form. On the one hand, vaporization is ideal for obtaining instant effects since it allows cannabinoids to be assimilated more quickly. On the other hand, edibles and oils release cannabinoids more slowly, so the effects come later but last longer.

CBD infusion: the natural ally for your sleep

Infusion has always been the preferred food process for wellness enthusiasts who wish to benefit from the active ingredients and organic flavors of plants.

Tasty and simple to prepare, CBD infusion is the natural ally of your sleep. It combines the comforting side with the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects of cannabidiol.

CBD infusion simply consists of dissolving hemp leaves and/or flowers in a hot liquid, generally water or animal or vegetable milk. If you are unfamiliar with the raw taste of CBD flowers, you can add other relaxing herbs to your brew. Here is an exquisite recipe for a tasty infusion that will plunge you into the arms of Morpheus:

  •         Boil water, then pour into a cup;
  •         Finely chop half a gram of CBD flowers which you will add to hot water;
  •         Add a tablespoon of chamomile;
  •         Add a teaspoon of lavender;
  •         Let it infuse for 5 to 10 minutes.

Please note: It is recommended to drink your infusion at least two hours before bedtime. Indeed, depending on yourbody, cannabidiol needs one to two hours to reach the liver and be metabolized. Avoid heavy meals in the evening to accelerate the assimilation of the soothing effects of the CBD infusion.

Also read: CBD infusion: Benefits, recipe easy and suitable products.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about CBD for sleep

Which CBD oil to choose for sleeping?

When it comes to choosing a CBD oil for sleep, there are several factors to consider. First, the CBD percentage: a higher concentration of CBD may be more effective for some, but it is advisable to start with a low concentration and gradually increase if necessary. Second, the spectrum type:

  • Full Spectrum: contains all the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, including THC (at very low and legal levels). This oil is recommended for those seeking the entourage effect, where different cannabinoids work together for maximum effect.
  • Broad Spectrum: similar to Full Spectrum but without THC. It is a good choice for those who want the benefits of other cannabinoids without consuming THC.
  • CBD Isolate: contains only pure CBD, without any other cannabinoids. This is the purest option, but it does not offer the entourage effect.

Can CBD be combined with CBN or CBG for sleep?

Yes, combining CBD with other cannabinoids such as CBN (cannabinol) or CBG (cannabigerol) can potentially amplify certain beneficial effects. CBN, for example, has sedative properties that can enhance the relaxing effect of CBD. CBG, on the other hand, is known for its anti-anxiety and neuroprotective properties. By combining these cannabinoids, we can aim for a synergistic effect to promote quality sleep.

Does CBD provide instant sleep effects?

CBD may offer both short- and long-term effects on sleep. In the short term, a dose of CBD can help reduce anxiety and stress, making it easier to fall asleep. Over the long term, regular use of CBD can help regulate the circadian rhythm, providing more structured and restful sleep.

It should be noted that even if you stop consuming CBD, certain beneficial effects may persist, because the circadian rhythm remains regulated. However, this greatly depends on the underlying causes of each individual's sleep disorders.

Where to buy quality CBD for sleep?

When looking for quality CBD, it is essential to look to trusted stores and brands. 321CBD is one of those stores that stands out for its careful selection of products and commitment to quality. Be sure to opt for products that provide third-party lab testing to ensure CBD purity and concentration.

Can CBD before sleeping cause side effects?

No, CBD is a natural molecule that does not cause side effects or addiction. In addition, there is no risk of overdose. This is why most people suffering from sleep disorders favor CBD over medicinal treatments such as sleeping pills. And yet, many of these addictive drug treatments are available over the counter in pharmacies.

Can CBD permanently cure sleep disorders?

At present, CBD is not considered a medicine but a food supplement. Therefore, it is not intended to treat illnesses. On the other hand, it helps relieve and reduce the symptoms of certain disorders, such as sleep disorders. This is why it is important and necessary to consult a health professional to find an adequate solution to your problem, especially if you have been suffering from it for a long time.

CBD for sleep: opinions from our customers on improving their sleep

Enough with theory. It is now time to give a voice to our dear customers who have tested CBD to improve their sleep cycle, whether in quality or quantity.

Candy Jolly, a loyal customer of our online store, emphasizes the importance of experimenting with different varieties of CBD until we find the reference that best suits our physiological needs, intensity of our insomnia and our metabolism.

I will describe what I felt: I found that the Gorilla Queen CBD flower was not bad, but it did not give me satisfaction in terms of sleep, despite pleasant relaxation. I tasted the AC DC CBD flower which has a very good smell, quite intoxicating, but again, I was not completely satisfied in relieving my aches and my lack of sleep. And it was the Ringo Gift CBD flower that gave me satisfaction, both in relieving my aches and my lack of sleep.

Sandrine Bonnet preferred a safe bet to relieve her insomnia: sublingual CBD oil for a rapid effect. “I bought CBD oil… great! I got my sleep back.

For her part, Clara Bordin reminds us that CBD can also promote sleep thanks to its analgesic or pain-relieving effect, including on chronic pain such as back pain, unfortunately very common in the era of sedentary lifestyle. “Order received quickly. This soothes my back pain and therefore helps my sleep.

For Liliane, CBD is a real sleep catalyst and an effective painkiller, even if the taste does not suit her (yet). As we explained to you above, if you consume your CBD in infusion, do not hesitate to mix it with other plants with flavors more flattering to your palate. “Big improvement in my sleep, my nights are no longer interrupted by waking phases due to pain in my lumbar spine. I am finally spending 8 hours of nights, and the muscle relaxation is there, without side effects. Appreciable!.

We hope that this article has given you some ideas for sleeping and that you will achieve invigorating sleep quickly. Do not hesitate to consult our offers on 321CBD.com. Delivery of CBD everywhere in France, in less than 48 hours.

CBD flowers that we recommend for relaxation
  • Ringo's Gift CBD 24.7%
    (11 reviews)
    CBD Flowers

    CBD Ringo's Gift 24.7%

    from 3,66 € / gram
Pelin YILDIZ, autrice psycho et voyage
Publié par : Pelin, autrice psychologie, santé et voyage
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