CBD Sport oil spray - ByStilla

Full spectrum CBD oil

Whether you are a top athlete, a semi-professional athlete or simply a Sunday hobbyist, the CBD oil spray signed ByStilla will inevitably find a place in your medicine cabinet, your care kit or your backpack.

45,80 €
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It is important to understand the differences between THC and CBD levels when choosing cannabidiol products, as this can influence the experience you will have when consuming them. If you are looking for all the benefits of CBD, it is best to choose a product with a high CBD content. The higher the CBD content, the greater the benefits. All our CBD products contain less than 0.3% THC and are therefore legal in Europe.
Origin FrenchFrench
THC level
10 ml
Massage into the skin Sublingual (under the tongue)
Storage life
12 month after opening
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Description CBD Sport oil spray - ByStilla

This is an ESSENTIAL product that we offer you, whether you are a top athlete or a Sunday sportsman. Developed by sports professionals and recovery experts, this oil in spray format is packed with cannabidiol (CBD) 🌿, a molecule extracted from the hemp plant that shines with virtues soothing, analgesic and anti-inflammatory 🙌. This product can be consumed in sporting competition without the risk of a positive cannabis test.

CBD spray oil: an all-in-one product for athletes

Loaded with good cannabidiol, this product brings you all the virtues of the hemp plant 🙌, in this case the variety Cannabis L. Sativa, without psychotropic effect and without risk of addiction.

Consumed orally, this CBD oil helps athletes to soothe their stress and anxiety to better approach the competition. This relaxing action also promotes healthy and restorative sleep, in particular by accelerating the sleep onset phase and by fighting against paradoxical sleep disorders (nocturnal verbalization, muscle spasms, untimely awakenings, etc.). Incidentally, CBD consolidates the ability to concentrate and strengthens natural defenses 🌿.

Applied locally, topically, this CBD oil helps relieve muscle pain and joint stiffness while relieving inflammation that hinders the mobility of athletes 🙌. Finally, it accelerates muscle recovery to optimize physical preparation.

CBD, the main active ingredient in the product, is an extracritical CO2 extracted isolate, guarantee of quality and purity of the molecule.

Made in France, ByStilla's CBD Sport Spray Oil 🌿 was developed with the help of top athletes. This product is compatible with high-level competitions, whether under the control of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) or the French Anti-Doping Agency (AFDL).

Tips for using ByStilla CBD Sport Spray Oil

CBD Sport Oil Spray is designed for oral use, but can be applied topically.

Maximum recommended dosage: 70 mg per day. Follow the instructions for use on the product label.

Aromatic power
Anti-anxiety effect
Relaxing effect
Muscle recovery


Product type
Oil type
Full spectrum
THC level
CBD concentration
20% - Medium
Pain Relaxation Concentration Inflammation
10 ml
Massage into the skin Sublingual (under the tongue)
Storage life
12 month after opening
Storage tips
Sheltered from light Dry place and ambient temperature
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